Bi-Fuel Enters the Digital Age... Introducing the EVO-SP® System
The Next EVOlution in Bi-Fuel Technology
Building on a powerful platform designed for the most demanding off-road applications for mine haul trucks, GFS Corp announces an advanced bi-fuel solution for the stationary power sector. The EVO-SP® System applies lessons learned in converting dynamic, variable speed off-road engines to natural gas + diesel (NG+D®) operation in some of the world’s harshest, most demanding environments. The EVO-SP® System is ready to meet the demands of the most challenging industrial applications including oil and gas drilling, prime power, peak-shaving and critical stand-by power systems.
Smart and Powerful Controls with Advanced Engine Monitoring
Dynamic stationary applications require powerful and smart controls. The EVO-SP® System has been optimized for precise and responsive control of natural gas fueling using a proprietary electronic control unit (ECU) coupled with a fast-acting, integrated mixer-throttle body. The EVO-SP® System provides high resolution, dynamic mapping of natural gas and diesel mixtures across the engine load range using a 50 hertz / 50X per second control loop. This rapid control loop allows the EVO-SP® System to safely and efficiently replace up to 70% of the engine’s diesel fuel requirement with natural gas without compromising engine response or power output. In the event of a fault or loss of natural gas supply, the EVO-SP® System seamlessly reverts the engine to 100% diesel operation without loss of power. See which EVO-SP® System is right for your application. Download our EVO-SP® System selection questionnaire to find out.

Introducing EVO-Connect
Remote engine monitoring solution
with real time graphing of multiple parameters » Learn more